
Understanding the Genetic Puzzle of Wilms Tumor

Genetics Overview

Genetic Counselors

Genetic Testing




Protein Synthesis

Germline vs. Somatic Gene

Two-Hit Hypothesis

Red Flags for WT Genetic Syndromes

Red Flags for WT Genetic Syndromes

Genetic Testing Decision

Case Examples

Case Examples

Case Examples

Genetic Testing Strategies

Methylation Testing on Tumor

New Tech & RNA Sequencing

Future Directions

Genetic Testing Strategy

Contact Joyce Turner Here

Our Amazing Kidneys


  Learn more on the function and structure of our kidneys!

   Download Our-Amazing-Kidneys-.pdf today!


        Miriam F Weiss, MD, retired nephrologist and Wilms’ grandmother 

Sharing The Experience: The Genetic Predisposition Clinic

"Ralphie’s nine-year-old sister was not identified as having a cancer predisposition syndrome until after she had been diagnosed with cancer, Wilms tumor, twice. By that time cancer filled her little body, displacing her liver, traveling throughout her abdomen,...

Ewings Sarcoma Survivor’s Mom Shares Why Blood Donations Matter

"I started donating blood when I was in high school, in a probably ill-advised scheme to work past my fear of needles." - Aimee Formo     Aimee, an incredibly well-versed and passionate childhood cancer mom and advocate currently residing in Indiana, shares with...

Call to Action in 2025

  "One of the most devastating things about this legislative mess is that some of these bills in this package had no fiscal attached, meaning they weren't going to cost taxpayers a dime!"  - Robyn Spoon, Elevate CEO & FounderHere is the site that we...


  "      "Making more drugs available to kids with cancer means solving a million small problems. Yesterday’s event provided a necessary opportunity to bring more and more of those problems to light. If we can identify the problems, name the problems, then we can...

Tatum and Maisie Moving Mountains

"The challenges of being a pediatric cancer family are innumerable. Every time you think you’ve found the worst thing, something else rears its ugly head. These past few weeks we’ve witnessed a hefty serving of that humanity, led by two young girls, Tatum Pillor and...

Outwork the Noise

Don’t listen to those voices. Let your hard work, sweat and exertion drown out the noise.  Outwork the noise. -Justin Spoon Outwork the noise means something different for each of us. Robyn Spoon, Elevate Founder shares what this meant to Justin, and what it means to...

A Son, Brother, Collegiate Runner and Asbury Graduate Diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma

"Today, you don't have to do something special. You don't have to do anything amazing or overwhelming. You just gotta get of bed and do something."    - Justin Spoon - A mother's share:     Sitting in a small Lexington, Kentucky clinic room with my then 21-year-old...

Ewings Sarcoma Mom Shares

"Her diagnosis story is probably best classified as ‘trust your gut and ask for the extra tests’."    - Aimee Formo, Ewings Sarcoma Survivor's mom & Childhood Cancer AdvocateGuest Blog by: Aimee Formo    Ewings sarcoma, also abbreviated EWS,  is an aggressive type...

Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Bereaved Mom Shares

Guest Blog by: Cindy Cleveland   Matt Cleveland 2/5/1997-3/8/2023  "From the time Matthew was little, he could most frequently be found playing baseball," Matthew's mom Cindy shares with Elevate.   "His love for the game started with T-Ball at the age of 4, continued...

First Look: Parents Share How They First Discovered Their Child Had Rhabdomyosarcoma

"A small, relatively painless lump near his left nostril had a name- Rhabdomyosarcoma"    - Robyn Spoon, Elevate CEO & Founder    "Rhabdomyosarcoma is rare, with only about 500 total diagnoses in the US each year and only a small percentage of those above the age...

Kidney Cancer Financial Assistance

through the Kidney Cancer Association

Pediatric Kidney Cancer Financial Assistance

through Joey’s Wings Foundation

Financial assistance with medical bills, travel expenses, food, toys, and other miscellaneous items that your family might need during this difficult time. *Child must be 18 and under + in active treatment to apply.

March is Kidney Cancer Awareness Month!

Select one of the profile picture templates below.


Add your photo on a program such as ‘Canva.’


Support kids diagnosed with #PediatricRenalCancer & #ElevateWilms with us all month long!

More Resources coming soon….Stay tuned!

@2023 ELEVATE Childhood Cancer Research
and Advocacy, Inc.
is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
EIN: 93-2185372

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