What is Wilms tumor?

An Overview of Wilms tumor

Learn More About Wilms tumor

   Wilms’ tumor or Wilms tumor, also known as nephroblastoma, is the most common kidney cancer and abdominal cancer that occurs in children, usually under the age of 5, but occasionally adults may be affected. It is named after Max Wilms, the German surgeon (1867-1918) who first descrbibed it.  


Wilms tumor may present in one kidney or bilaterally (both). It is also categorized by ‘favorable’ histology and ‘unfavorable’ histology, also known as ‘anaplastic Wilms’. ‘Unfavorable’ histology, loss of heterozygosity, even in favorable tumors, and reoccurance are currently knwon indicators of a poorer prognosis.

What causes Wilms tumor?

   The cause of Wilms tumor is not precisely known, according to the NIH, but is believed to be due to genetic alternations that deal with the normal embryological development of the genitourinary tract, which means that some mishap occurs with these cells during otherwise heathy development. Current estimates are that 1/3 of Wilms tumors currently express one of these gene alterations.


Most Wilms tumors cannot be traced to a known genetic condition and develop in an otherwise healthy child. Because of the uptick of screening for these genetic conditions, and knowledge, more Wilms tumors can be traced to an inhertited genetic condition, which then can predispose a person for a Wilms tumor to develop.

A Glimpse into the Lives Affected by Childhood Cancer

Elevate kids impacted by Wilms tumor

What are others saying about Elevate Wilms?

“I’m very excited to join Elevate in the crucial mission of finding new ways to propel research forward for our children with cancer because our family has learned the hard way that there are gaps and bottlenecks in childhood cancer research, and that they create a deadly environment for some of our kids who need new, more effective options. These gaps and bottlenecks in the process exist from lack of awareness, lack of funding, and sometimes even simply from lack of collaboration. Elevate seeks to change that."

Lucy Sandeen, Elayna’s Mommy & Elevate Wilms workgroup member


   Are you a parent, advocate, caregiver or survivor of Wilms?

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  Help us drastically improve the lives of those diagnosed with Wilms and use your voice of experience! 

@2023 ELEVATE Childhood Cancer Research
and Advocacy, Inc.
is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
EIN: 93-2185372

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